General Maintenance Guide
Seasoning Blend Daily Usage Guide:
- Wash cast iron as you normally would - soap is okay (blog post coming) Be sure to remove all food.
- Completely dry cookware surfaces with towel/napkin or by placing on stove and applying heat.
- Place cookware on stove and heat on medium/medium-high until surfaces are hot, but not smoking.
- Warm/hot cast iron will transfer the oils from the wipe to the surface of the cast iron.
- Apply a very light amount of the seasoning blend to all surfaces with a cloth or towel. You do not want to see any “pooling” of oils. Less is More.
- If you do see pooling of oil occur, it is highly recommended to wipe this out with a cloth/napkin. Less is more in seasoning cookware.
- Pooling often leads to a "sticky" feeling surface, minor stickiness will not significantly affect the seasoning and over time it will level out.
- If cast iron is very hot, oils may smoke upon applying - this is okay.
- Continue heating just until smoke begins to appear from the cookware.
- Remove cookware from the heat source and let cool until next use.
Seasoning Wipe Daily Usage Guide:
Wash cookware (pan/pot) as you normally would - soap usage is okay (blog post coming). Be sure to remove all food.
Completely dry cookware surfaces with towel/napkin or by placing on stove and applying heat.
Place cookware on stove and heat on medium/medium-high until surfaces are hot, but not smoking.Warm/hot cast iron will transfer the oils from the wipe to the surface of the cast iron.
Using a single wipe, fold or “scrunch” into a ball and coat the entire surface of the cookware. Only a thin layer of seasoning oil is needed.
If cast iron is very hot, oils may smoke upon applying - this is okay.
You should not see any pooling. Less is more in cast iron seasoning. If you see pooling, streaking, or any oddities occurring, please inform us in our survey.
Compost the wipe after use
Continue heating just until smoke begins to appear from the cookware.
Remove cookware from the heat source and let cool until next use.